500 Prayers For Catholic Schools And Parish Youth Groupsby Filomena Tassi and Peter Tassi
Whenever you need a prayer you'll find what you need in this comprehensive collection of prayers. You'll find prayers for:
- the beginning of class,
- a special feast,
- a parent or staff meeting,
- a saint's day,
- or the liturgical season.
Some prayers are prepared for specific annual events, and some for general occasions, but all can easily be adapted to a school or parish's unique situation and needs.
Within this collection, you will find:
- daily prayers
- feast days of the saints
- the liturgical seasons
- thematic prayers for various occasions and needs
- the teachings of Jesus in Scripture
- favorite prayers
500 Prayers also contains valuable catechetical material:
- In the section on the saints, each prayer is preceded by a short biography of the saint.
- The prayers for the church seasons include brief reflections on the seasons.
- In the section on the teachings of Jesus, the passage from Scripture (or a paraphrase) is provided.
The final section of the book is a collection of favorite prayers, both traditional (such as the Way of the Cross) and contemporary (such as Mother Teresa's prayer).
500 Prayers for Catholic Schools and Parish Youth Groups is a treasure chest for teachers, principals, DREs, catechists and indeed, for anyone who leads a group in prayer.
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Site developed and maintained by Paul Bentley

 Greatness in Our Teens now available in Spanish
