Grain Of Sand
She is only a grain of sand
What does she matter
Nobody knows her name
Where she comes from
Where she lives
Her dreams and aspirations
Her hopes and possibilities
are all only whispers in the wind.
Nobody hears her cries of hunger
Nobody cares of her final breath
Why should we care to save only a grain of sand
One of billions...
I should reach inward to the deepest corners of my soul
I should reach outward to the ends of the universe
To save this grain of sand
This insignificant nothing.
For she is all the grains of sand
She is the beach
She is the clouds above
She is the sky higher
She is all of us
Every grain, every dream, every hope
She is all that we are
And all that we can hope to be
She is love
Infinite in possibilites
She is my mother, my sister, my daughter
She is all that I am
All that I love
All that I could ever be
She is Jesus
Peter Tassi, December, 2009
Site developed and maintained by Paul Bentley

 Greatness in Our Teens now available in Spanish
