Doing What You Love and Loving What You Do Inspirational stories and guidance for students, parents and educators about apprenticeships and work in the skilled trades.
"Doing What You Love & Loving What You Do," will help you to discover the new world of apprenticeship training in Ontario, and you will learn how rewarding and fulfilling a career in the trades will be. Through personal testimonies from apprentices, tradespeople, educators, employers and parents, you will gain insight and encouragement for you or your child/student. In reading the pages of this book, you will see the important contribution that youth apprenticeship programs have made to the lives of students.
The book, "Doing What You Love & Loving What You Do," is a valuable resource for any student or parent considering, or already participating in, apprenticeship training. It will also offer insight and advise for educators and employers involved with Cooperative Education.
The book contains a wealth of knowledge, examples, tips, advise and encouragement, including:
Questions for parents, students and educators to ponder (at the end of each chapter).
A brief history of apprenticeship in Ontario.
Key advise with how to succeed as an apprentice and tradesperson.
What employers seek in an apprentice.
Advantages and disadvantages of work in the trades.
Examples of innovation.
Advise about owning your own business as tradesperson.
Safety tips.
Examples of how to 'juggle' family life and your career, and how to succeed as a part-time tradesperson.
Myths and Facts.
Cool Facts.
Explanations of several key items related to apprenticeship.
A list of all currently recognized trades in Ontario.
A Glossary of Terms
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Site developed and maintained by Paul Bentley

 Greatness in Our Teens now available in Spanish
