Hamilton Heroes Tales of Adventure, Adversity and Heroism From World War II
Hamilton Heroes shares the personal experiences, inspiration and advice of 12 World War II veterans from the Hamilton area. Written for all ages, their stories help us understand what it was like to be a young soldier in the War. Before the last of the vets is gone, it is important for their stories to be told and remembered by succeeding generations.
Using much of their own words, the book presents stories in an interesting, inspiring and compelling fashion. Starting from their childhood growing up in the Great Depression, we follow them through their teen years and onto their time serving in the Army, Navy or Air Force, and ending with their lives after the war. They share with us what it was like to grow up in the twenties and the harsh realities of the 'dirty thirties'. Even more compelling are the personal accounts of their training, and the realities in fighting the Axis powers on air, land and sea.
Although they share intimate details about the horrors they experienced in battle, they also tell us of humourous experiences and the great friendships they formed. Conveying the sense of tragedy and heroism, the book gives numerous first-hand accounts of the slaughter at Dieppe, the fighting in the mountains of Italy, the bombing of Berlin, and the dropping of depth charges on enemy submarines. These brave men also share some of their most intimate thoughts from their experiences as POW's. They witnessed death and carnage, and although they performed their duties, they were greatly troubled at the sacrifice of friend and foe. It was often difficult for them to adjust to their new lives upon returning home, but most of them felt they had grown in their humanity upon return.
Each chapter ends with a series of questions and answers with the vets, which leaves us with words of advise and inspiration. They address such issues as courage, love, marriage, work, success, happiness and faith. Their stories are sure to inform and inspire people of all ages. As Hamiltonians, we should all be proud of these great men and women who sacrificed so much.
How to Order Hamilton Heroes
There are currently 3 ways to order the book:
- Chapters Book Store, in Ancaster at the Meadowlands
- From www.lulu.com
- Directly from the author, Paul Bentley for $15.99 Cdn, which includes all shipping and taxes. You can pay for the book:
- By mailing a cheque for $15.99 per book.
Make your cheque payable to Paul Bentley. Send your cheque, along with a note specifying the quantity of books you want and your return address to:
Hamilton Heroes Order
67 Caroline St S
Unit 1203
Hamilton, ON
L8P 3K6
© petertassi.com
Site developed and maintained by Paul Bentley

 Greatness in Our Teens now available in Spanish
